
Welcome to the course

Learn about Interchain Messaging, the interoperability protocol of Avalanche.

In this course, you will learn how to build cross-Subnet Solidity dApps with Interchain Messaging and Avalanche Warp Messaging.

Why Take This Course?

A significant innovation in blockchain is the development of multi-chain systems, like Avalanche, which provide a significant improvement in scalability, interoperability, and flexibility. At the core of these multi-chain systems is the ability to run multiple blockchains that communicate. Each chain's VM is optimized for specialized use cases, thereby boosting the network's overall performance.

Cross-chain communication is a crucial building block of multi-chain systems. Utilizing Interchain Messaging and Avalanche Warp Messaging is an incredible easy way to build cross-Subnet dApps, since developers can build on top an extensive and audited development framework.

Course Content


In the first section, we cover some basic concepts of interoperability in multi-chain systems. You will learn about examples of interoperability between blockchains and the terms "source," "destination," and "message."

Avalanche Interchain Messaging

In this section, we learn what Avalanche Interchain Messaging is and what is abstracted away from the general dApp developer. You will also build your first cross-Subnet dApps.

Securing Cross-Chain Communication

In this section, we look at techniques to secure cross-chain communication. We dive into signature schemes, multi-signature schemes, and the BLS multi-signature scheme.

Avalanche Interchain Messaging Protocol

Avalanche blockchains can natively interoperate between one another using AWM. You will learn about the AWM message format and how the message flow works.


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